Here are the real estate related highlights from the updated Dallas Beige Book as of September 8, 2010.
"The Eleventh District economy expanded modestly over the past six weeks. The energy sector remained a source of strength, and agriculture, transportation services and staffing firms reported solid growth. Retailers said sales rose, but the pace of growth was slower. Reports from the manufacturing sector were mixed, but overall suggest a slowdown. In particular, construction-related manufacturers said demand was very weak as housing demand has retrenched and private nonresidential activity is almost nonexistent. Most respondents expect economic conditions to remain positive, although many expect slower growth through year-end. Uncertainty was prevalent in most outlooks.
Construction and Real Estate
Home sales continued to slide since the last report. Contacts noted demand was especially weak in the lower-priced segment of the market which had benefitted most from the homebuyer tax credits. Construction of new homes fell as large public builders scaled back. Outlooks are guarded for the rest of the year. Sales and construction are expected to remain weak, as the tax credit affected the timing of purchase decisions.
Home sales continued to slide since the last report. Contacts noted demand was especially weak in the lower-priced segment of the market which had benefitted most from the homebuyer tax credits. Construction of new homes fell as large public builders scaled back. Outlooks are guarded for the rest of the year. Sales and construction are expected to remain weak, as the tax credit affected the timing of purchase decisions.
Contacts in the office and industrial real estate sectors said leasing activity remained subdued. Investor interest in nonresidential properties remains high however, and contacts say sales continue to edge up.
Nonresidential construction remains weak. Contacts reported a notable lack of private nonresidential projects. Public construction is the main source of activity for most contacts, but some expressed concern that such projects would subside due to budget constraints.
Financial Services
Financial firms said loan demand continued to trail off. Business lending was especially weak, and contacts said businesses lacked confidence and were unwilling to make financial commitments. Deposit growth was strong, and credit quality on outstanding loans was stable. Several respondents reported concerns over financial reform legislation and other political uncertainties. Earnings projections are flat for 2011, and some contacts were building up loan loss reserves in preparation for the coming year."
Financial firms said loan demand continued to trail off. Business lending was especially weak, and contacts said businesses lacked confidence and were unwilling to make financial commitments. Deposit growth was strong, and credit quality on outstanding loans was stable. Several respondents reported concerns over financial reform legislation and other political uncertainties. Earnings projections are flat for 2011, and some contacts were building up loan loss reserves in preparation for the coming year."